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Minimal XAudio v2.8 Windows library

A high performance minimal XAudio 2.8 based library developed from scratch. It is almost as low level as one can get in Windows; such is the nature of XAudio2. It is flexible and extensible.

XAudio2 delegates sounds to the WASAPI backend. You don't need multiple threads for each playing sound; these are managed internally by WASAPI which mixes & matches them internally as it best sees fit.

I used:

  • Windows x86_64, Microsoft Visual Studio
  • XAudio v2.8
  • X3DAudio

If you're on Windows 10 you can use XAudio v2.9 dll without much, if any, change.

If you'd prefer a more graphical approach, I have a QT audio player project.


SoundManager is a singleton audio instance.

There is a maximum number of sound channels, which I have hardcoded to 64. But make...