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Registry - Dependency Injection Container Design Pattern

Registry lets you establish a single point of access for objects. Registry is often used as a Dependency Injection container (DIC). A DIC is a singleton class with a hash map container of various singleton types as well as functions querying the map. The queries are done and we return a certain object from the container. This hash-map is the provider of objects originating from a common interface and which they can be reused by whoever's asking (so it's best for them to be of the type std::shared_ptr<Type>). The objects stay resident inside DIC.

Since we want to avoid duplications, we implicitly want to "share" instances of objects; this requirement is screaming out for shared_ptr

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Code Injection

Code injection is a technique where you can insert code into a process and then reroute its execution to traverse through your injected custom code segment.

Working from a debugger eg. OllyDbg, we can search for “code caves”, ie. sequences of nop (or "DB 00" in Olly) instructions that are large enough to "fit" our custom code.

Alternatively we can also allocate more memory in the target process to store the code. This is what we will do in this case.

One of the best ways to inject code is via dlls, because they are meant to be loaded by multiple processes at runtime.

Compulsory ingredients:

  1. injector process - DLLInjector project - the process that will "inject" the code,
  2. the process to inject - ProcessToInject project - the...