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Process Hacking (COD4) Tutorial

Generic Windows process hacking application. This time the victim being Call of Duty 4 (the original - 2007).

What do we mean by hacking? Hacking is gaining access to a system in a manner that was not intended by its developer.

Here we do something really very simple and easy. We will change some on screen visual values in our program.

A. We find the process' HANDLE. There are 2 ways to do this.

I. By getting the window Handle (HWND)

  1. HWND windowHandle = FindWindowW( nullptr, processName ) to get the window handle
  2. GetWindowThreadProcessId( windowHandle, &pid ) to get the pid
  3. and finally OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, *pid ); to get the process Handle

This is the method I use in this example.

II. By taking a...