Snake Applesken - Python PyGame & cx_Freeze Tutorial
KeyC0de's take on the classic Snake game he played back in the day on Nokia 3310 and Sony Ericsson W810i.
If you'd like some implementation help on how I went about to do this I hereby give you my notes below:
For fun, I also turned it into an executable using:
- Cx_Freeze (a python module) to turn the python .py script into an .exe program
- Inno Setup (free & open source) to turn the .exe program into an installable package (which can then be installed on any computer)
cx_Freeze Primer
Allows you to create a Windows executable file directly given the Python source code
- python setup.py build : Build for any platform
- python setup.py bdist_msi : build for windows 64 bit
- install cx_Freeze
- create the setup.py file. Import cx_Freeze and type anything relevant in it (examples provided)
- from the command line: python setup.py build - creates a "build" folder
- go inside the "build" folder @ build/exe
- the executable is in there, you run it from the directory and you transfer the entire directory to wherever you want to run your program
Sample setup.py file:
#! python
import os
os.environ['TCL_LIBRARY'] = "C:/Program Files/Python36/tcl/tcl8.6" # or os.environ.get('TCL_LIBRARY')
os.environ['TK_LIBRARY'] = "C:/Program Files/Python36/tcl/tk8.6"
import cx_Freeze
executables = [cx_Freeze.Executable("snake.py")]
name = "Snake",
version = "0.1",
options={"build_exe": {"packages":["pygame"],
"include_files":["images/apple.png","images/snake_head.png","sounds/crunch.wav", "fonts/CloisterBlack.ttf"]}},
description = "Snake Game, made with Python + PyGame",
author = "Name Surname",
executables = executables
Github repository link.
The image graphics I sketched myself using Adobe Photoshop.
- crunch.wav sound effect from freesound.org (keyword “crunch”)
- Cloister Black Font is free from Dieter Steffmann at link.